ArchiCAD GDL Algorithm (1) - 泡沫排序法 Bubble Sort
By leafleafflower
! Create and initialize an array.
DIM array[6]
array[1] = 6
array[2] = 5
array[3] = 4
array[4] = 3
array[5] = 2
array[6] = 1
! Before using bubble sort, print the array.
x = 0
y = 0
gosub "PrintArray":
gosub "BubbleSort":
! After using bubble sort, print the array.
x = 0
y = -90/100
gosub "PrintArray":
! Subroutines
if 0 then
for i = 1 to vardim1(array)
text2 x, y, str(array[i], 4, 0)
x = x + 55/100
next i
for i = 1 to vardim1(array) - 1
for j = 1 to vardim1(array) - i
if array[j] > array[j + 1] then
temp = array[j]
array[j] = array[j + 1]
array[j + 1] = temp
next j
next i